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Dr. Jim R. Eells is a Premier Doctor of Concierge Medicine

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Also called as retainer medicine, concierge medicine is characterized as a bond between a patient and a primary care physician in which the former pays a retainer or yearly fee.As a switch to the yearly fee, the primary health care doctor will supply personalized care to his patient. Every time his patient needs him, he must always be available and ready.The physician must provide superior care via chiefly consigning to restricted patient loads to ensure adequate time and availability for every patient.

In addition to retainer medicine, concierge medicine is also known to many calls. It can also be called as membership medicine, direct care or cash-only practice.Whereas all concierge medicine exercises share similarities, they differ broadly in their payment, requirements, structure and form of operation. Now, the era for concierge practitioners pursues to flourish and develop.Most people of today desire to obtain easy to access doctors and personalized care that is why they are seeking for personalized care doctors.


Dr. Jim Eells Health News Site

Fifty-one years old general practitioner, Dr. Jim R. Eells undoubtedly offers such concierge medicine in Las Vegas, Nevada.If the phrase concierge medicine is traditionally connected to the words expensive and wealthy, Dr. Eells is one of the leading physicians in Nevada that offers affordable, personalized care to his patients in Vegas.Dr. Eells is one of the newest physicians today that delivers personalized care to his patients. This way, his patients get the chance to know him more and wait to obtain in-depth care for a fee that is right on their budget.


Dr. Eells graduated from the University Of Nevada School Of Medicine.He gained his board certification in 1989. The American College of Physicians gave this to him. Prior to entering medical school, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology.Since 1992, he became licensed to practice his medical degree.With his achievement in education, it is not surprising that he is well-versed to render concierge medicine.


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With his twenty years of working experience within the field of medicine, he has already claimed numerous recognitions which involve America’s Top Physician, Compassionate Doctor Recognition and Patient’s Choice Award. Overall, he ranks as an excellent doctor to most of his patients. He really is accommodating, compassionate and always willing to listen, according to them.

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